A lesson in humility!

I did Startup Weekend Grenoble as a participant! 🚀

A needle in a haystack

This was my 20th Startup Weekend. While I had done the first one as a participant, I did all the following ones as a coach 😀

And we forget … How fast 54h goes by⏰ , how much an idea needs to mature 💡 , how much a team needs cohesion 📎 , how coaches help tremendously🌈 but force questioning as well⚡️ , how much clients don’t work on weekends 🏖 , how critical stress management becomes💊 … And the HUGE amount of work needed in just 54h ❓❗️❗️❗️

If my initial idea has necessarily moved 🖐 🤙 👌 👍 , it is thanks to the team, the coaches and everyone. We arrived at a beautiful project with values and a huge ambition: to help more than 400M people in the world to communicate better and find their place in our society. 🌈

(May I raise a call to people who want to help us to continue the story❤️)

A huge thank you to this dream team Mathilde Rautureau, Jeff Sylverwind and Aurèle Durand 🙏

Thanks to all the coaches Cyril FRANÇOIS, Philippe Wieczorek, jean marc santi, Laura Bernard, Alain ENDEZOUMOU, Franck Corduant, Cécile Bouquet, Luc MILLET, Pablo Dhaini

Thanks to the organizers Nicolas Perraut, Serge Court, Quentin Viallet, David Ansillon, Dimitri Guennoun

Thanks to the juries AULARD GAUDIMONTE Stéphanie, Nathalie Martinez, Emmanuel Saint-Supery, Jordan Chenevier-Truchet, Jacques HUSSER

Thanks to all the sponsors MIAI@GRENOBLE ALPES, Inria, KAIZEN Solutions (KZS), Romain Hué, Romain Gentil and #FTalps …

Finally, I’m used to being thanked as a coach but I realized that the real work is done by the participants! 💪 I assure you, it’s ten times more tiring than dropping by to give a tip every now and then 😀❤️

A HUGE BRAVO to all the teams for the incredible amount of work put in over the weekend🚀. You have all earned my respect and your place on the podium💎💎💎

See you next year as … jury ☑️ ?


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